Sunday, August 3, 2014

Music Business/Law Tips - "Business Plan"

If an artist is independent and is seeking money to record and promote an album project, they will need to create some sort of “business plan” to entice an investor to back the project. There is not one way to go about it, but any proper business plan should include the following basic sections: -Bio on the Artist -The amount of funding being sought -How the investment will be used (i.e., recording, touring, staffing, promotion) -A market analysis of the artist’s genre/niche (i.e., rock, pop, country) -How the artist plans to earn income from his/her career (i.e., sell records, tickets, merchandise) -Financial projections on the return on investment (be realistic and note cannot guarantee success) Ben McLane Esq


  1. This has been a very helpful article on music business law. There's a lot of things that I never thought to ask before reading this. I really appreciate the information that's been found in this article.

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